Cute Blinking Blue Cat

27 Jul 2016

[Visiting] Chateau Pontet-Canet 5th Grand cru

Chateau Pontet-Canet

1. Chateau Pontet-Canet (Proprietors)

The first owner of this winery was Mr. Pontet. He was a governor(식민지의 총독) of Medoc in the dynasty of Louie XV. 
He made this vineyard in the northern part of Pauillac at the first time. 
Also, he bought some more place which was called "Canet" later. 
That's why the name of chateau is "Chateau Pontet-Canet". 

2. History

The second family, who had owned this chateau, Cruse family. They owned it for 110 years from 1865 to 1975. 

The last and current owner is Tesseron family. Guy Tesseron who bought this chateau was a merchant of Cognac. 
Today, his 3rd and 4th children generations are operating Chateau Pontet-Canet. 
Recently, the family Tesseron bought another vineyard in Napa valley, USA.

3. 2 sections of vineyard - totally 81 hectares of vineyard (with buildings and garden - 120 hectares)

 1) near river Gironde
    Soil - limestone, clay for Merlot
 2) around Chateau
    Soil - gravel, sand for Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Petit Verdot

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4. Jean-Micheal Comme and Biodynamics (since 2004)

What is "Biodynamics"?

Biodynamics is a holistic, ecological and ethical approach to farming, gardening, food and nutrition.

"Biodynamics" should be possible based on "organic way".
Regarding to what I understood, "Biodynamics" is a harmony among natural things. 
As not to use artificial things anymore, they pursue a balanced nature and eco-friendly production.
Therefore, they have been working with horses since 2008.
Horse give less influence to the land, so the pollution is also less than when they used machine.
Jean-Micheal Comme is the professional of "biodynamics". He used to work in Saint-Emilion. 
He has joined to Chateau Pontet-Canet since 2004.

5. Vine plants
Old and young mixed (between 35 years and 80 years)

6. Harvest 
Harvest is all hand picking. There are 200 Portuguese (80%) who take part in harvest.

7. Cuiver (VAT house) - machine like a building or building like a machine.

Their VAT house is designed very huge size. 
At the ground floor, you can see grand oak VAT. 
When you go up on the 1st floor, then you can see the upper part of oak VAT. 

During the harvest season, the door located on the 1st floor will be opened and the berries will come into the building directly. 

The berries are de-stemmed on the conveyor belt and sorted. 

The selection work is continued again and again.

As soon as they are crushed, the grape juice and sediments are going to be put into oak VAT.

* Oak VAT

They have two different types of VAT. 
The first one is Oak VAT and the second one is Concrete VAT.
I've ever heard about concrete VAT, but it was the first time to see them. 

* Concrete VAT 

The thickness of concrete VAT is 15cm!!! 

* Pumping over(Remontage) 2 times a day for 1 month very slowly

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*Aging period: Grand vin: 16~18 months
                   Second vin: 12 months
*Soutirage every 3-4 months

These are special ageing tool. (I've seen somethings like these at chateau Larrivet-haut brion in Pessac-Leognan)
It was made with concrete, limestone and clay etc. And depends on the materials, different grape variety will be filled during ageing.
They give mineral aromas and a balance between mineral note and wooden note. 
Jean-Micheal Comme has started this way since 2012.

9. Basement cave (Private cave) 

They have private cave in basement. 
The underground cave is normal in Saint-Emilion because there are lots of hill unlike Medoc area.
Anyway Chateau Pontet-Canet has a underground cave, it is 200 years old. 

There are a lot of old wines for their private events. 
The oldest one is vintage 1942. 
Also every 30 years the cork should be changed to avoid disappearance of wine.

"AlpachiTeok is happy with a bottle as small as me! :-)"

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10. Tasting 

Chateau Pontet-Canet 2008 / Pauillac AOC / 5th Grand cru classe
60% Cabernet Sauvignon
30% Merlot
4% Cabernet Franc
1% Petit verdot 

Clear/ deep / Garnet

Clean / pronounced / Mushroom, Ginger, Dark chocolate, something fruits... (I guess black fruits)

Acidity high / Tannins High / Body full / Finish long 

Dark chocolate, Ginger, Mushroom
+ Spicy(hot), pepper ... 

It was very interesting and I like the aroma and flavour of dark chocolate! 

Visit and Tasting in Chateau Pontet-Canet was really nice. 
When we visited here and there in the estate, we moved by a small bus. 
It was so nice and excited. 
Also, as the Chateau has a classification of Grand cru and a long history, the wine was also very special. 
In addition, the visit and tasting was FREE!!!!!!!! 
Thank you so much! :-)

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